Friday, March 29, 2013

I found this picture online tonight, and it just made me think of all of you. I am so thankful to have you fighting this battle with me. You are true warrior princesses! Between God, your prayers, your support, your love, your calls, your texts, your thoughts, and everything else, I have felt like I can whip some serious enemy booty!!!

The whirlwind battle that was happening in the Hansen Household a couple of weeks ago turned out to be a HUGE blessing and so much good came out of it. We brought a friend into the mix of our craziness to shed light on everything, and through prayer and conversation, it became very clear as to why the enemy was attacking so incredibly hard.

1.) I had family coming into town that struggle with alcoholism and don't have God in their lives. Our prayers and heart's desires were to shine God's light and love on them. We certainly couldn't shine or love if we were in the middle of battle!!

2.) My husband was waiting to have a conversation with an important figure in our church about the seriousness of spiritual warfare in the guy's life. That probably wouldn't have gone so well if he were in the middle of warfare himself. It turned out that there are a couple of men that God intended for my husband to talk to.

3.) God has great plans for us, the people around us and the hope that we bring and the enemy wants NO part of that. He is sneaky, sneaky and tried to keep us from doing God's work by hitting us in our weakest area.

I learned (and am learning) that even though I may know that I am fighting my husband because of spiritual warfare, and even though he may know that he is fighting with me because of spiritual warfare, it is not enough to make us quit fighting. We NEED others in our lives and in the midst of our fighting to help us move that knowledge from our heads to our hearts in order to work through it and past it. 

Sure love you all and hope you are doing well. You are in my constant thoughts and prayers.


  1. Thank you for posting about your struggles. It's comforting to know that others (all of us, I imagine) are faced with similar issues. You are so right about enlisting others in the battle, and that was a timely word for me. I tend to shut down and internalize when I'm under attack, and things are so much easier when I involve other believers and seek Godly consultation for them. Thank you for this reminder.

    On another note, have the relatives come yet? I

  2. Thank you Melissa! Yes, my mom, dad and brother came. The day after they left, my mother in law called and asked if she could come the next day, which she did. And I just got back from a week in Montana with my brother's family and my sister who flew in from Alabama. It has been a wild few weeks!!! And blessed beyond measure.
